Wildrose Canyon – Death Valley
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Wildrose Canyon – Death Valley

There's a 4.2 mile trail from the Charcoal Kilns that leads up above Wildrose Canyon to Wildrose Peak, a climb of 2,200 feet.

In theory, there's a great view, nearly 360 degrees (interrupted by nearby Telescope Peak which is even higher) but I didn't get to see it. In part because there was way too much dust and haze hanging over Death proper and in part because I realized I was physically fat and not physically fit. It's only one letter difference but it's a big difference.

Katy, TX is has an elevation of about 100ft above sea level and is, to all intents and purposes, flat. 6 miles here in under 2 hours is not really a challenge. The air is dense and humid so you sweat a lot but I don't find it particularly taxing. The Charcoal Kilns are at 6,800ft above sea level. The air is noticeably thinner and the dryness is striking, particularly if you've made the transition in less than 12 hours as I had on this day.

I wasn't going to make it to the top before sundown so I settled for a hike of perhaps half-a-mile to a mile along the trail. The reward was this view down Wildrose Canyon, the sun already having dropped enough to leave the southern walls of the canyon in shadow. You might be able to make out the dirt road snaking through the trees and down towards Wildrose Station where the road slips through a pass and into Panamint .

I was disappointed in not making the peak but I thought I'd have a better shot at getting to Aguereberry Point for the sunset rather than find myself alone in the after sundown.

That was one of the lessons drilled into us in my early Libya exploration days – back in camp before sundown and no driving at night. It's just too easy to get lost. That and the fact that throughout most of the Death National Park there's no cell phone service so you can't just call someone for help.

Wildrose Canyon, Death Valley
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