Daily Photo – Wash Rinse Repeat
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Daily Photo – Wash Rinse Repeat

‘Wash rinse repeat' is the age old maxim of shampoo sellers trying to get you to use more shampoo than you need.

I don't recall where I was in proximity to the in today's photo. I know I was using a telephoto lens but don't recall the building I was in or why I was there when I captured this photo. I do know it was taken in Suzhou in 1991.

I often wish we'd had a chance to see how people actually lived in the older housing. All we got to see was newer housing with most of the mod cons ( air conditioners, running water and electricity).

I suspected in yesterday's post that some of the older houses would have been quite dark inside. My guess is that is one reason the is washing her hair in the alleyway.

There are so many things to look at here. The wooden doors behind her, for example, and the well worn stone thresholds. The extension to the roof to provide additional shelter from the rain. The wooden desk, set out in the alley with the scattered utensils including chop sticks, a spoon and an enameled mug. Then there's the hat hung on the , the cleaning items and, of course, the green plastic bowl.

Wash Rinse Repeat
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