Daily Photo – The Throw-In
The Throw-In (Click image for larger view)

Daily Photo – The Throw-In

The Throw-In
The Throw-In (Click image for larger view)

From this guy's pose, I'd reckon he's played soccer at some time. This isn't your ‘quarterback' throwing position, it's your ‘throw-in from the sidelines' in soccer throwing position.

Clearly this guy has identified someone he knows in the crowd and is about to throw them a whole bag of . You have to be on the look-out for things like this. Being hit unexpectedly by a sting of can be painful enough, being hit by a whole bag can bring a world of hurt in a whole different order of magnitude.

For that reason, it pays to keep watching the and the throws while they're passing by, particularly if you have youngsters with you. You may have to play a little defensive ball to ensure your kids don't get whacked accidentally.

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Production Data

Lens: Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS
Processing: Lightroom 3.6
Processing: Photoshop CS5
Processing: Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4 ()