Daily Photo – Snorkeling
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Daily Photo – Snorkeling

Back in the late 80's when I made this trip, I couldn't swim. It would be another couple of months before I learned – spurred on in part by not being able to go snorkeling or diving in these waters. It seemed everyone was having so much fun! As a toddler, I almost drowned and had to be rescued by me father. If it hadn't been for my brother who was three at the time who ran off to tell my father that I'd fallen into the water tank, I'd probably have drowned. (So thanks George, Dad) Subconsciously that stayed with me for the longest time. Swimming pools were just larger tanks of water and I resolutely refused to learn at school. Later, when I got assigned to Brunei, I failed to volunteer my non-swimmer status (and my employer failed to ask) until I was in-country where it was effectively too late to send me back. My bosses decided to ban me from the and over the course of the next few months they encouraged me and I taught myself to swim.

This photo is again, almost certainly taken in one of the bay's of Koh Phi Phi Ley. The crystal clear aqua water is just perfect for snorkeling.

Snorkeling off Koh Phi Phi Ley, Thailand
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