Daily Photo – Desert Flotsam
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Daily Photo – Desert Flotsam

Today's photo doesn't actually follow on from yesterday's Desert Shipwreck image but given the content I though Desert Flotsam was an appropriate title and now was an appropriate time to post.

The location of today's photo is not a tad distant from yesterdays (a tad being half a million miles) but it's not adjacent either. I'm guessing within 50 miles, maybe.

So this is a pretty typical featureless gravel plain that makes up large areas of the Libyan Desert.

An old track runs from the lower left corner past an old cairn and a sign. The sign has been shot up – probably by some bored Libyan soldier or policeman looking for a minute or two of fun.

But what I find most curious is the life ring on the lower right corner! Where on earth did that come from? Who left it here and why did they choose to dump it here? To me that remains one of life's great existential mysteries.

In all probability, some 23 years on, its probably still there!

Judging by the brightness in the center of the image I'm thinking I took this with my and not my EOS 10 that I was rocking at the time and that I used for the Desert Shipwreck photo.

It's not too hard to imagine this as gently rolling grasslands, which it likely was at one point. In some places you'd find ancient rock art depicting hunting scenes with animals now found south of the Sahara in the savannah.

Desert Flotsam
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