Daily Photo – Cormorant Fisherman
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Daily Photo – Cormorant Fisherman

The cormorant is a feature of the and other rivers near Guilin in China.

We cruised by this cormorant while he and his bird were taking a break. Once again we see the raft similar to that used by the fan salesman and the river weed harvester.

These fishermen tie a string around the neck of the bird to constrain it. When the cormorant dives into the water to catch a fish, it swallows the fish but cant get the fish past the constriction formed by the string.

The marks the cormorant regurgitate the fish into the basket on the raft and sends the bird off for another fish.

This cycle is repeated until the fisherman has caught what he needs. He then unties the string and allows the bird to catch and this time swallow his catch.

I can't tell if the bird is tethered to the raft or fisherman but I suspect it is. perhaps at the end of the string on the pole the fisherman is holding.

Many cormorant fishermen employ more than one bird to up their productivity.

Cormorant Fisherman
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