Daily Photo – Bothaville Sunset 3
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Daily Photo – Bothaville Sunset 3

Here's an example of the flooded trash ground we often found ourselves camping on in South Africa.

Again, this is the near Bothaville in the Free State. The s setting after another day of rain, the casting finger-like projecting across the scene. The ring is lens flare. I recall adjusting my point of view purposefully to get the circle.

As you can see, the ground in the was quite waterlogged, though this wasn't the worst site flood by quite some measure. See the image at the bottom of the post for the most waterlogged camp site!

Bothaville Sunset 3
Order a Limited Edition Print of this photo

I was looking to see what lens I used. It appears to have been a Canon 20mm f2.8, judging from the receipt, below. The image would have been captured on one of my two Canon T90's that I was using at the time, having traded in my AE1-Program and A1. Should have kept the A1. I still have one of the T90's, but don't have that 20mm f2.8 any more.

Canon 20mm f2.8 Receipt

T90 Receipt 1

T90 Receipt 2

Now I don't recall where this camp site was but I do recall when we pulled in we thought it was quite nice. In the top left hand corner you might be able to make out some tents behind a grass bank. Fortunately for our employees, we put them on the far side of what turned out to be a dam, and we put ourselves inside! We didn't know it at the time. We'd been there a couple of weeks then woke up one morning, opened our doors and found anywhere from four inches to a foot of water. Apparently another dam further upstream had given way over night sending all this water our way!

Flooded Camp

I don't have any slides of this even, only prints unfortunately.

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