Daily Photo – Artisan at Work
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Daily Photo – Artisan at Work

We got to see a lot of factories on our tour of , back in 1991. I found it fascinating to peek inside this world. In this photo of an artisan at , a fixes a clay leaf and stalk to a clay vase.

We weren't there long enough to see the finished product or find out how long it would take her to finish but many of the finished pieces we saw were very elaborate and she was clearly just starting this piece.

After she would finish the piece would go to another artist who would paint it in colored glazes before the pieces would be fired.

The only clay I've ever done was at school. I would hazard a guess that this company's failure rate in the kilns was significantly less than that of my 7th grade class!

Of course, relative to wages in the west, she would have been paid peanuts so the finished piece would be significantly cheaper than a comparative product made in the UK or . And she was just one of a room full of workers engaged in similar .

Looking on this photo now I wonder what happened to this piece. Where did it go when it was finished? Does it still exist on a shelf in someone's home, gathering dust? Or did it come to grief in some accident and fracture into a million pieces to be swept up and cast out with the rest of the trash.

Artisan at Work
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