Daily Photo – Hanging Out in Suzhou
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Daily Photo – Hanging Out in Suzhou

I took this photo of five men hanging out in Suzhou by the same lake as yesterday's angling photo but it's not the same pier or pavilion building but a similar one a short walk away. As I recall there were several along the shore near the I was staying at.

It looks as though four of the men are playing a game of some sort while the fifth lounges against the wall opening, observing.

I was struck by the detail put into an obviously public structure. My point of comparison is some similar structures in Lake Pontchartrain in Kenner, Louisiana. They're just concrete utilitarian structures with simple metal roofs.

It seems counter intuitive but was we seem to ‘advance' and take on ever more complex projects, we seem to lose the detail and that used to be applied. Compare any Victorian rail station in Europe to an air terminal.

It can't just be that the detail ‘costs too much' Maybe it's just we no longer have the time for the detail.

Hanging out in Suzhou
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