Daily Photo – Cour Napoleon
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Daily Photo – Cour Napoleon

The courtyard of the , where the famous I.M. Pei sit, is officially the ‘Cour Napoleon'. Today's photos were taken around 10:30 pm on a Tuesday night.

There were still lots of people around and it was very challenging to get frames with little to no movement from the people in the scene. And while there were lots of people cognizant of myself and other photographers in the vicinity. most people just didn't care and walked thorough the frame anyway.

What really annoyed me was some later shots where some folks came and sat down almost in front of my camera and tripod. They could have sat behind me but just chose to plonk themselves down right in my shot.

My guess is that your have to stay even later – into the early hours of the – to get a people free shot. Either that or pay a fortune to have the courtyard cleared.

Cour Napoleon
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