Daily Photo – Out of Nowhere
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Daily Photo – Out of Nowhere

A 's Land Rover emerges seemingly out of nowhere during our sand storm camp move in the .

The horizon is totally non-existent in this pale-yellow-out.

I guess we all followed the tracks of the vehicles in front. I don't recall anyone getting lost.

This was around the time of the first Gulf War. Iraq had invaded Kuwait and Saddam Hussein was raining missiles down on Saudi Arabia. To protect Dahran and other places, the forces had established batteries of Patriot anti-missile missiles.

Also around this time, the conglomerate that owned our company, Raytheon, were getting antsy that no one could identify all their operations as being Raytheon operations so the directive came down to apply new logos in standard , standard business cards, etc.

Our logo in Raytheon red on the door of this Land Rover read, “Seismograph Service, A Raytheon Company”

About the only other place in that you'd regularly see “A Raytheon Company” was on the TV news on the side of those Patriot Missile batteries!

We wondered if now was the right time to proceed with the logo change but I actually experienced less official aggravation while traveling around during this time than prior to this so I guess it didn't hurt .

Also, we didn't know it at the time, but Raytheon were already discussing selling to Schlumberger. So by the time we got the logos switched out we had to do it all over again!

Out of Nowhere
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