Daily Photo – Old Barn

Daily Photo – Old Barn

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A little less than a mile north of Aldbourne along the B4192 there's a turn-off to the west. A short way along this track the paths bifurcate with the left hand track running along the base of the ridge and the right hand track running up the ridge towards .

I really don't remember what we called this barn. Behind where I was standing, where the track intersects with the road is the ‘New Barn', according to the Ordnance Survey. So I'm guessing if that's the New Barn, this must have been the old one.

When I lived at Upham, if I wanted to walk to the nearest store I'd pass this barn on my way – about 2.7 miles each way.

The Old Barn is not there now, it collapsed in March 1990, but the base of the walls can still be seen, both on the ground and from Google Earth.

On mentioning the Ordnance Survey, I remember a story I once heard on the radio about how they would compile their maps. In addition to all the surveying and satellite imagery, they would send researchers to the areas to talk to local people and write down local . As a consequence they ended up marking a residence in Wales with the Welsh name they found written on the gate. Unfortunately, their researcher didn't understand Welsh (and neither did anyone else by the sounds of it), else he'd have know that the sign read, “Beware of the dog”.

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