Daily Photo – Blyde River Nature Reserve

Daily Photo – Blyde River Nature Reserve

Blyde River Nature ReserveOrder a print of this photo

From the Lowveld I wound my way up the mountains to Graskop, reportedly a picturesque village on the Panorama Route. I say ‘reportedly' because I really didn't stay long enough to look around. I just blazed on north up the Panorama Route (R532).

I drove this route a few times looking at my photo collection but my slides of the views from God's Window don't do justice to the scene I remember. Certainly one day I was up there the valleys and Lowveld to the east were shrouded by low – because I was looking down on the top of them!

The Escarpment is where the geological record shows that Gondwanaland broke apart and that Madagascar and Antarctica tore free from Africa, a mere 200 million years ago or so.

The Blyde River Nature Reserve itself covers some 29,000 hectares and contains over 1000 species of flora, many of which are unique to the area. In the nature reserve there are all sorts of activies you can participate in (for a fee) ranging from abseiling to fly-.

Since this is a view to the North-East, judging by the shadows I would have taken this photo around mid-afternoon.

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