Daily Photo – St. Martins, Round Top, Texas
St. Martin's, Round Top, Texas (Click image for larger view or to purchase)

Daily Photo – St. Martins, Round Top, Texas

St Martins Round Top Texas
St. Martin's, Round Top, Texas (Click image for larger view or to purchase)

Is this the exception that proves the rule that ‘everything is bigger in Texas!'?

St. Martins sits on state highway 237S, about three miles south-west of Round Top, Texas. It's billed on a sign by the road as the ‘smallest Church in the world'. Quite impressive for a state always boasting large to be boasting small for a change. For regular readers, not it's not an official state symbol (yet). Maybe one day.

I haven't yet seen what's on the inside but as you can see, it's not much bigger than a tool shed. It's one of those road-side curiosities that whizzes by as you drive along. Blink and you'd miss it.

Of course, this begs the question of where in the world does one find the smallest Protestant Church, Mosque, Synagogue, , Ashram, Wal-Mart, etc. etc.?

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Production Data

Camera: Canon EOS 5D
Lens: Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS USM AF Lens
Processing: Lightroom 4.0
Processing: 4.02
Processing: CS5
Processing: Adjust 5