Daily Photo – Recording Flycamp
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Daily Photo – Recording Flycamp

Today's photo is a view about 135° anti-clockwise from yesterday's. It's of a recording flycamp in western Libya in 1990.

I can tell it's a recording flycamp because of the two on the left and the number of tents. The two were the the line labor rode to and back every day and the recording crew had the largest labor force.

Base camp was elsewhere. Base camp would have looked the revers with fewer tents and more trailers. We must have decided that the effort of moving base camp was too much – we probably didn't want to pack up all the mechanic's equipment.

Located in a depression behind a gravel berm, the location would serve to protect the camp from some of the wind. The trailer behind the 2500 gallon on the left is the kitchen. The two trailers on the right, arranged at right angles is the senior staff camp.

I can't figure out where the are so maybe they were one third of the kitchen trailer or maybe there weren't any. The few camps I lived in that didn't have were never pleasant! You just could never get the sand out of the places you never even expected it to be in the first place!

Since I wasn't part of the recording crew I'm struggling to remember why I was even here.

Recording Flycamp
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