Daily Photo – Grinding

Daily Photo – Grinding

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I've no idea what the Korean language on the poster says. Judging from the cross on the figures head I'm guessing it's some sort of safety poster, which makes the shower of sparks somewhat ironic! It looks as though the figure is howling in pain from the shower of sparks.

I do recall that the sign was on a thin steel plate. The green wall behind it is hardboard. So placing the sign in the line of fire was not such a bad idea.

I captured this with my Olympus XA on Fuji Velvia.

Our mechanic's trailers were fairly well equipped with a reasonable range of tools and equipment. I even recall some mechanics rebuilding engines in the desert, though trying to keep the sand out was a nightmare.

On one occasion one of our MAN water had a problem that required dropping the crank shaft out of the engine to fix it. When it was time to reassemble the engine the new mechanic couldn't find any new big-end bearings in the spares trailer. I still recall the look of incredulity on his face when the chief mechanic told him to clean up the old ones and re-use them.

Back in a shop in the real world you wouldn't do that. But this was one of our drinking and new bearings were at least a month away.

The new mechanic cleaned up the old bearings, re-inserted them and reassembled the motor. It ran fine, despite his reservations and our drinking water tanker fleet was returned to full strength (two).

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