Curtis Island Light, Maine

Curtis Island Light, Maine
The Curtis Island Light was built in 1889 replacing the original 1835 light placed at the entrance to Camden Harbor by order of president Andrew Jackson.

The Curtis Island Light marks the south side of Camden Harbor, Maine. Built in 1896. this light replaces a light built in 1835 by order of President Jackson. I took…

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My #Supermoonfail

My #Supermoonfail
Supermoon Nov 15, 2016

Updated November 15th. I didn't like the photo I used so I replaced it with a shot I took this evening. Since today marked the closest the moon will come…

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Orland Fall Foliage

Orland Fall Foliage
Fall Foliage colors on an overcast October day. Orland Maine.

I woke this morning to a sombre grey day. It's fall here in the USA and it's not just the political season that is changing. That woke me up to…

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Where can I find photos for my blog?

Where can I find photos for my blog?
We came across the abandoned narrow gauge railway in the Brunei Jungle. I didn't walk to the far end but I understand it ended at an abandoned logging camp.

Where can I find photos for my blog or website? You've crafted your blog post and now your need to illustrate it. "Where can I find a photo for my…

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