Daily Photo – Cycling Through the Elysian Fields
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Daily Photo – Cycling Through the Elysian Fields

The Elysian Fields in Greek Mythology were the resting place of the blessed dead – the heroic and the virtuous. So is the on the bike tempting fate?

Our driver had informed us that the mayor of Paris was pursuing a green agenda and certainly on this trip I noticed more cyclists than when I lived here the turn of the century. There's even some form of municipal bike sharing scheme but I never made the time to read up on how the scheme works.

It's not just the , it's the traffic. To the uninitiated or the faint of heart, its not advisable to drive in Paris. It can be fun to go to the top of the Arc de Triomphe and just look down on the cars navigating the junction, marveling at how they cross from one side to the other without wrecking!

We didn't own a car when we lived here. We rented one now and then for trips out of the but within the we relied on walking, the metro and the bus system. The Paris Metro and bus system are clean, easy to use and convenient (except overnight when the metro shuts down and buses are few and far between).

Just look at all the cars lined up behind this . At least she's going downhill, but still.

Nearby here were some shady looking folks renting out a short drive in a Ferrari and a Lamborghini for 89 Euros a pop. If I had either one of those, Paris and the Champs Elysees would not be on my list of locations for a test drive!

Cycling Through the Elysian Fields
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