Daily Photo – Gritty
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Daily Photo – Gritty

Back to the in the Calanscio Sea for today's photo I've titles, ‘Gritty'.

This was just one of those days when the wind was strong enough to lift the but not strong enough to shut us down – one of those days when everything just ended up gritty.

In addition to seeing the fine layer of blowing in the foreground, you can see how it's closed in the visibility and hidden the horizon.

The thing that looks like an over-sized safety pin on the right of the photo is a ‘ hanger'. Basically it's an over-sized safety pin onto which we'd loop a string of to prevent them getting tangled and make them easier to transport.

Picking up a string of and securing them on the hanger was a skill I failed to master. Like an ‘Undercover Boss' episode, I found myself way more appreciative of what the back crew did having picked up a few strings over my career. Unlike an ‘Undercover Boss' episode, I didn't end up buying them cars, paying for their schooling, paying off the mortgage or any of those other stunts. I never felt that guilty of what I was asking these workers to do.

A breeze lifting the sand made everything gritty.
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