Daily Photo – The London Eye

Daily Photo – The London Eye

The London EyeOrder a print of this photo

OK, so not your typical shot of the London Eye.

The Eye currently has EDF Energy as a sponsor. The EDF stands for Electricité de France, of course; just as 20% of the iconic Buses are operated by Deutsche Bahn – the German railroad company.

The French Emperor Napoleon is reported to have said that is a nation of shopkeepers, though the phrase appears in Adam Smith's ‘The Wealth of Nations' many years earlier. I think we may be running out of things to sell to those tourists that pop over on the Eurostar for a weekend in and decide to stay!

As you might have guessed from this image, I took it on a grey, . Although this one is processed in Nik Software's Silver Efex Pro 2 the original raw has next to no colour in it at all.

I took this while waiting in line for my change to board a pod. I happened to look up and I noticed all the distorted views of the wheel in the water droplets on the glass roof, so I chose to focus on the droplets and let the wheel blur into the background.

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