Is my computer monitor broken?
Problem at 60hz

Is my computer monitor broken?

The locked doors should have told me I wasn't going to find who I was looking for. But I held my fob to the sensor and went in anyway.

The dimmed illumination coming from the emergency lighting confirmed all my technicians had headed home for the day.

I only needed a screwdriver and only for a couple of minutes so I ventured into one of the tech workshops.

That's when this broken monitor on one of the repair benches caught my attention. I probably wouldn't have noticed it if the lights had been on.

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The camera I had on me was my iPhone 11 Pro. I shot this using the x1 lens and with the native camera app, which resulted in a jpeg file. The iPhone lens is fixed aperture at f2.0. The shutter speed was 1/30 second, and the auto ISO was 800.

I don't really like recording in jpeg as that means you're allowing some engineer you'll never meet to determine which pixels to keep and which to throw away. But, since the scene is mostly black I didn't feel I'd be losing that much information.

My first shot revealed a refection of the safety lights from the hallway so I had to close the door to kill those .

For image processing I used Adobe Lightroom and Topaz Studio.