Better Black and White Photos with Topaz
Yamaha with Vance&Hines Silencer, Topaz Black and White Effects

Better Black and White Photos with Topaz

Better Black and White with Topaz Black and White Effects
Yamaha with Vance&Hines Silencer, Topaz Black and Effects

This is a short article on better black and photos with Topaz Black and Effects.

Why Black and White?

We live in a world of color so why black and white photos? Perhaps it's because the older among us grew up with them in the newspapers and with black and white TVs. Maybe it's because so many images are color these days that black and white stands out from the crowd. Maybe it's because, with the color stripped away, we get to look at the scene anew, looking at form and function uncluttered by the distractions of screaming color.

Why Topaz Black and White Effects?

I take a number of different approaches in my black and white , sometimes doing everything in Lightroom, sometimes in Photoshop, but mostly with plugins from either TopazLabs, onOne Software or from Google (since they bought Nik).

I like the simplicity of Topaz Black and White Effects. Once installed, in Photoshop you find it in the Filters menu. For Lightroom, you also need to install either the free Fusion Express 2 or purchase their photoFXlab and then you ‘Edit In photoFXlab'. Or, you could dispense with all this and use photoFXlab as a stand-alone editor. In other words, if you don't want to buy Photoshop or Lightroom, you can buy photoFXlab as your photo editor.

How do I use Topaz Black and White Effects?

Topaz have taken a common approach to their user interface – effects menu on the left, photo in the middle and adjustment controls on the right.

One of the features I like is the many presets available – over 200! They're grouped in families and as you mouse over each preset a preview of your image shows what the effect does. You can select a preset and, if you don't like it, change your mind and select a different one. I usually try to get a preset that's about 80% of what I'm striving for.

Once I have my 80% image, I then flip over to the controls on the right where I can finely adjust contrast, exposure, try various color filters, dodge, burn, add vignettes etc. All very simple and very quick.

You can read my review of topaz Black and White Effects here.

Topaz Black and White Effects On Sale Through March 31, 2015

If you want to make better black and white photos with Topaz then there's no better time than now! Black and White Effects is on sale through March 31, 2015. You get a 33% saving. It's now $39.99 against the regular price of $59.99. What's more, it's completely risk free – download a free trial. The free version is exactly the same as the paid version but expires after 30-days.

Yamaha Motorcycle Photo Recipe

I took the photo of the Yamaha motorcycle with the Vance & Hines silencer during the Scott Kelby Photowalk in 2013. It was parked on the street in Houston that our crew ambled down.

Multiple layers in Photoshop to blur background and (adjusted hue) color of rims.